At long last, the day has finally dawned! I'm the usual cocktail of excited, nervous and ever so slightly bilious at I wait to find out if the book will sell and more importantly, if you'll like it!
The fabulous blog tour has helped quell some of the jitters, but 19 books in, I still feel like I'm teetering on a ledge and waiting to fly or flop. Thankfully, there's LOADS going on today to keep me distracted.
There's the fabulous party in Riveting Reads and Vintage Vibes over on Facebook AND the in person library event in Dereham Library tonight. I'm so excited to have an event on the day the book is published. That doesn't happen often, so definitely worth celebrating!

I'll have a bit of a breather tomorrow and then whizz over to Downham Market on Saturday morning for the wonderful event in No8 The Old Book Shop. Sarah has pulled out all the stops for this one! I'll be there from 10am signing books, chatting and taking loads of photos. Do come along if you can.

Right, I better go and catch up on social media. Did you know that on publication day, I can spend up to 17 hours thanking everyone for their kind likes, shares and comments? How spectacular is that? You're all stars and your Swainette Support is hugely appreciated.
With love,
H x