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We have a winner!

Updated: Jul 11

You may have noticed that I've been celebrating #bookbirthdays on social media during the last few days. This time of year - and around October - the publication anniversaries come thick and fast and I love to give all of the books a mention.

I feels it's so important to celebrate milestones, don't you? Quite often, we're so busy with looking forward that we forget to look back and give ourselves credit for how far we've come and how much we've achieved.

And I'm celebrating something else today, too. We have The Holiday Escape signed paperback and tote winner! Yay!

Huge congratulations to -


Your entry was picked as the winner by random number generator. Your favourite book is The Book-Lovers' Retreat and I hope that very soon you'll be loving The Holiday Escape, too!

If you send your name, address and who you'd like the book dedicated to, to I'll get it parceled up and sent off next week.

Massive thanks to everyone who entered. It was wonderful to read which books you like the best! I'll be running another giveaway here soon, so keep popping back.

Wishing you all a super Sunday.

H x


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