Hello loves! I'm just back from the most wonderful few days away with the Famous 5 and we had the best time. The weather wholeheartedly behaved itself, even if we didn't! That said, I know our photos and videos probably made it look like it was all adventure playgrounds, cheese and gin, but there was some serious work happening, too.

Contrary to what the photos suggests, we really did work hard in the mornings before the shenanigans began and we each set off for home yesterday knowing we'd made great headway with our current projects and future plans.
I have something brand new in the pipeline and I can't wait to get started on it now. The landscape we stayed in was truly inspiring and working somewhere different was great, too. I know there are plenty of people who roll their eyes when someone suggests the importance of 'finding your tribe', but I've found mine and I know how I'm feeling right now (fired up, full of energy and enthusiasm) is a direct result of spending the last few days with them, talking things through and making the most of our collected life experiences. And crikey, have we had some experiences!

This is just a gentle reminder that, no matter how busy you are, my loves, don't forget to make time for your tribe, too!
H x
Looks like you all had a wonderfully creative, and memorable time!