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So, where did June go?

Heidi Swain

Hello, my loves! I hope this hideously overdue blog post finds you well and enjoying the fleeting summer sunshine? I'm very sorry that it has taken me so long to check back in with you all, but June was an extraordinarily busy month and I've spent endless hours here...

Yep, that's right, sitting in front of my laptop!

Unusually, the Christmas copy edits and proof pages landed in very quick succession. They both require scrupulous, focused attention and that diminished my time to do other things - such as post here - and it also meant I had to set aside the summer 25 first draft, just as I was bedding into it.

I'm delighted to say that I'm back working on it again now and very much enjoying getting to know the characters and spending some time, albeit fictional, in the sunshine. I can't wait to share the setting and title with you! I'm so proud of the title which I, for once, can take all the credit for. A rarity indeed!

Something else I'm also excited about is my trip to Manchester next week and two appearances at the

I hope to see lots of you there. I'll be attending the Friday night VIP Meet and Mingle and then I'm on the Beach Read panel on Saturday at 2.30pm. The whole event looks spectacular and I know there are only a few tickets left, so do book one if you're going to be in the area!

And talking of beach reads, The Holiday Escape is still only 99p to download, so why not treat yourself to a trip to Dorset this summer and fall in love with Kittiwake Cove?

Take care, my loves and happy reading!

H x

2 commentaires

05 juil. 2024

Looking forward to your new books when they arrive.

Thank you for keeping me and others so well entertained.

Heidi-Jo Swain
05 juil. 2024
En réponse à

Thank you so much my lovely! You've made my day. I hope you enjoy them both. H x

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