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Singing long and loud for the RNA!

Heidi Swain

Updated: Nov 14, 2024

If you follow me on social media, you're doubtless aware that I've just spent three days in the company of over 200 RNA (Romantic Novelists' Association) pals. The 2024 conference was a total triumph and gave me the opportunity to give a bit back as well as learn so much from the many seminars, workshops and informal chats in the dinner queue!

This was me looking bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to learn on Friday afternoon - you'll see how I ended up further down the post!

I've shared this pic in particular because I wanted to show off the 'buddy' badge I'm wearing. Anyone who added one of those to their lanyard was making it known that any attendee could approach them and have a chat, settle nerves, ask advice etc. To be honest, I don't think they were needed in the end, because this was the friendliest RNA gathering I've ever attended! We were all mixed up - newbies, well established authors and everyone in-between - and we all got along so well.

I hadn't booked my residential place with the intention of talking into a mic in front of my peers, but when a speaker had to sadly pull out, I willingly offered to sit on the Sage Advice panel with Liz Fenwick and Kate Pearce and hosted by Liam Livings who asked the best questions. We talked for an hour about our journey, writing process, money, you name it and the feedback was fantastic.

The experience made me realise, that I have actually picked up quite a bit of knowledge in my ten years since I submitted The Cherry Tree Cafe to the RNA New Writers' Scheme. I've sold well over a million books, been published in multiple countries and can comfortably support myself financially as a result.

And that's the point of this blog post. If you're an aspiring author of romantic fiction who is wondering what their next steps should be now you're getting the words down, then I urge you to join the NWS. My career took off in a big way thanks to the advice given by my manuscript reader (a published author in the genre). I haven't once looked back as a result and next year, that could be you!

There's also an aspiring authors membership option now, so if you're right at the very start of your writing career, that's perfect for you.

And of course, if you're already published, but not a member, then the RNA can still offer you so much. Writing can be a solitary business but the Association provides a support network, events, learning opportunities (because we NEVER stop honing our craft) and local Chapter lunches.

So, read the postcard, peruse the website, find the membership package that works best for you and in 2026... this really could be you...

H x


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