Hello my loves and welcome to 2025! I'm so sorry I didn't post a merry Christmas message here in December. Time has recently run away with me and when I can start revealing my plans for this year, you'll understand why!
2024 was a wonderful writing year though as The Holiday Escape and Home for Christmas can prove and I hope you enjoyed the opportunity to dive into both a standalone and a series read?

Best Summer Ever is completely finished now and its launch in April is going to be incredibly exciting because it is my 20th book. And of course, even more exciting than that is the fact that it's my twentieth title in ten years! Can you believe it? An entire decade of writing at such an incredible pace! No wonder I need a holiday!

No time for a rest just yet though as I'm about to dive into something brand new! I'll be sharing setting details and blurb very soon.
In the meantime, I wanted to wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. I hope you find at least a few mins to pick up a favourite book or maybe discover a new one.
With love
H x