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Best Summer Ever

Heidi-Jo Swain

Hello loves, how are you?

I can't deny I was pleased to see the back of January - even though my beautiful daughter celebrates her birthday then - and today I'm very much enjoying some bright February sunshine and blue sky!

To celebrate this upturn in the weather, no matter how brief, I wanted to share with you here a photo of the Best Summer Ever limited edition proof that my publisher has had printed.

Isn't it glorious? If this doesn't chase off the last of the January Blues, nothing will! It has certainly got me excited to see how striking the finished copies are going to look.

The Team and I are already counting down the days to April 24th and some of my pre-pub jitters have been wiped out by the fabulous feedback from early readers so thank you, if you are one of them.

If you'd like to order a copy, here's a link -

Sending you all the love, my Swainette friends and if you can get out and enjoy the sunshine. then do! You'll feel wonderful for it.

H x


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